
Meet the volunteers and IC Care staff who devote their time caring for seniors in the Wollondilly, the clients who benefit from Meals on Wheels, and those who IC Care have had to reject due to a lack of funding.

Volunteer Teena from IC Care shares why she volunteers, and why she believes everyone should have access to Meals on Wheels and community transport.

Volunteer Maureen shares her experience with IC Care, and why the funding model needs to change to allow for seniors to have access to Meals on Wheels.

CEO Lisa & CFO Vivienne discuss what is causing the problems IC Care is facing, having to reject new Meals on Wheels clients due to insufficient funding.

CFO Vivienne and Social Support Coordinator Karen discuss the issue IC Care is facing, having to reject new Meals on Wheels clients due to insufficient funding, and how you can help.

Executive Assistant of Programs Nicole explains the problem IC Care is facing, having to reject new Meals on Wheels clients due to insufficient funding.

Executive Assistant of Programs Nicole discusses the importance of IC Care in the Wollondilly, and why they need assistance with their funding to provide Meals on Wheels to seniors.

Administration Assistant Nicki from IC Care shares the importance of what they do, and how funding issues are impacting the community.

IC Care client Barb shares why IC Care is such a vital service in the Wollondilly, and why Meals on Wheels should be accessible to all seniors who need it.

Rejected client Kimberly shares why her and her husband need Meals on Wheels. Unfortunately, IC Care is not funded enough to provide meals to her.

Rejected client Lachie shares why he believes Meals on Wheels would benefit him. Unfortunately, IC Care is not funded enough to provide meals to him.

Rejected client Steve shares why he needs Meals on Wheels. Unfortunately, IC Care is not funded enough to provide meals to him.

Judy Hannan MP shares why she believes IC Care is so important to the Wollondilly shire.

Mayor Matt Gould shares why he believes IC Care is so important to the Wollondilly shire.