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Food Groups

Eating well directly influences our health and wellbeing. Following the recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines helps us to meet our bodies needs for all nutrients, vitamins and minerals to ensure good health, healthy bodies and healthy brains. The guidelines provide advice for Australians of all ages about the types of foods and the amounts of foods that we should eat for optimal health and wellbeing throughout our lives.

The five food groups are: 

Vegetables, legumes/beans
Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties, such as breads, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, polenta, couscous, oats, quinoa and barley
Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat 

... and drink plenty of water!

Foods are grouped together into these food groups based on their main nutritional content. For example fruit is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Milk, yoghurt and cheese are good sources of calcium and protein.

When it comes to vegetables, they are all good sources of vitamins and minerals, but different coloured vegetables have different nutrients. This is why it is recommended that we eat “Eat a rainbow”.
Eat at a rainbow
- Another way of saying that eating lots of different coloured foods is the best way to get all the nutrients our bodies need!