Donations/Financial Support
Port Kembla Meals On Wheels is very grateful for the generous financial support provided by local businesses and other organisations in 2023. Without their assistance it would have been much harder to sustain our essential community support role throughout the year.
One of our primary donors this year was Kells the Lawyers, Wollongong. The company has been extremely fulsome in its support for our service. Thank you, Kells the Lawyers!
Port Kembla Meals On Wheels has also been the recipient of various grants in 2023 - provided by foundations, state and federal governments, and the ClubGRANTS program. We are indebted to these bodies for allocating funds to our service to maintain our operations.
We are particularly thankful for the grant provided by the IMB Bank Foundation. We appreciate the substantial support that the IMB Foundation provides to community organisations across the lllawarra region.