Volunteer now

We Need Your Help To Continue Our Valuable Service To Our Local Communities!

Volunteering provides you with flexible ways to get involved in the local community. We have 30 volunteers at our service and would like your support as well. If you can spare a few hours a month please get in touch with us.

It's not only clients whose lives are enhanced by Meals on Wheels. People who give time to Meals on Wheels say volunteering has added a new dimension to their lives. The satisfaction of doing something practical yet personal is reward in itself.

Volunteers are crucial to the operation of our organisation:

  • They drive the cars that deliver the meals and other food services to clients,
  • They provide a friendly face to visit clients in their home
  • They provide transport and support assistance to attend to shopping, medical appointments and outings
  • and they help with running the service by serving on the management committee.

To volunteer, please click here or contact us on 02 6036 3677.