As you are aware, Coronavirus has become a growing concern in Australia. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner stated the following in a recent newsletter: "While Australia's containment strategy has to date proven to be very effective, it is generally expected that over time the number of people with the viral infection in Australia will increase. Given that the virus seems to have more serious consequences for older people with chronic illness, all aged care providers should be on high alert and taking steps now to reduce the risks to their consumers and staff".[1]
Meals on Wheels will do all that it can to prepare, prevent risks and respond to Coronavirus. The following provides some information to you regarding the virus, how we will try to protect you and prevent spread of the virus and things you can do to help us.
Meals on Wheels will:
- Display posters around ‘knowing the signs’, ‘safe hand washing’ and other information as required at the facility
- Provide you with up to date information where possible via website/email, facebook, verbally or memos
- Ensure all sinks/bathrooms at the facility have adequate soap/sanitiser and paper towels for safe hand washing
- Ensure all volunteers have access to hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes to be used after each delivery of meals
- Notify you if we are aware of a volunteer or staff who has been affected by the virus (NB Privacy will need to be maintained so we may not be able to provide the name of person who has the virus)
- We will only provide meals where possible and where volunteer/staff who deliver meals consent to, are comfortable to do so and where adequate infection control procedures are in place (for example it may involve leaving meals in an esky on a verandah, or delivering with adequate personal protective equipment)
- Do all that we can to continue to provide meals to you, while ensuring the protection of staff, volunteers and clients at all times.
We ask you to do the following:
- Please notify staff if you have travelled overseas to high risk countries and do not attend Social Days for at least 14 Days.
- Notify staff if you believe you are at risk of contracting the virus
- Notify staff if you are unwell and do not attend Social Days for at least 14 Days.
- Please ask staff if you have any concerns or questions around processes and procedures.
The following is some useful information from the Department of Health: